
  • (+01) 123 456 7899
  • Contact [at]
  • Mon – Fri 9.00 am – 6.00 pm

Terms of use


1. Hi, we’re Envato. We’ve met before over at Envato Market Terms. It’s good to meet you again and we’re really glad you’re keen on becoming an author with us.

2. Imagine creating what you want, when you want, from the comfort of your own home, making passive income whether you’re working or not. Some of our authors sell stock in their free time as a hobby, some do it to get their name out there, and some are able to make it their full time profession.

3. Becoming an author is easy and if you’ve reached this point then you’re already a member and you’ve accepted our Envato Market Terms. These additional terms for authors (‘Author Terms’) are an extra part of the Envato Market Terms that apply specifically to authors on the Envato Market. You’ll need to agree to them before you can become an author. These govern the relationships, rights and obligations of authors to us and buyers using Envato Market. You agree to put your items on Envato Market and make them available to buyers on the basis stated in the Envato Market Terms and these Author Terms.

As an author on the Envato Market you have responsibilities to us and buyers of your items. Please take the time to review these Author Terms carefully.

4. When we say ‘you’ in these Author Terms we are referring to you, the author. All other words defined or explained in the Envato Market Terms have the same meaning here. If there’s any inconsistency between what we say in these Author Terms and what is in the Envato Market Terms, what we say in these Author Terms prevails.

5. Read on for details about your author responsibilities, the process of selling your items on the Envato Market and how you can earn money with us.

Becoming an author

6. Becoming an author is free: Becoming an author and putting your items up on the Envato Market is free but there is a review process before your items go live. There are a few things you promise in exchange for the right to be an author, which are outlined in these Author Terms.

7. Process to become an author: There are easy steps you follow to sign up as an author, which are outlined on the Envato Market Become an Author guide. There you’ll find instructions and resources that will help you get started. You’ll also find information about payment, submission requirements and other important information about being an author on our Author Guide page.

How selling your items works

8. What you're providing:

  1. License: When you ‘sell’ an item, you’re making your item available to buyers and downloaders to use that item under certain conditions; you’re not actually selling the item itself. What you’re selling includes a license directly to the buyer or downloader to use that item under the relevant license options that we set.

    For the different types of licenses and detail about what rights you are licensing see our licensing page. Take a moment to understand how your work will be licensed!

  2. Item support: You can choose whether or not to support certain items. If you choose to support an item, this will be identified on the item page. All supported items include a support period. Buyers can buy support extensions on these items.

    To understand item support, like what items are covered, what you agree to provide buyers, the support period and support extension options, see the item support policy page.

9. The total price for an item on Envato Market is made up of:

  1. Item price: The item price is made up of a license fee (for the license chosen for the item), and if relevant the item support fee (for supported items).
  2. Buyer fee: This is the fee buyers pay Envato for the buyer services we provide buyers.
  3. Handling fee: In some transactions the total price may include a handling fee.
  4. Taxes: Some transactions may be subject to tax that may be added to the list price or handling fee.

    The list price is made up of the item price and buyer fee, and is the price on an item page.. See Envato Market Terms for information about all the parts of the total price.

10. Exclusivity: When you become an author, you can choose to make your items available exclusively on the Envato Market or have the option of selling your items elsewhere. As we explain next, the percentage of revenue you receive from each sale of your item will vary depending on your choice. You can change your exclusivity status which will affect the percentage of revenue you get after you change your status.

11. Your earnings; author fee: When your item is sold on Envato Market, you will earn the item price component of the list price less an author fee that we charge. The author fee is what you are charged by Envato for use of our platform and services as an author. The author fee is determined by whether you are selling the item only on Envato Market exclusively and by the aggregate value of list price sales you’ve had in the past. The author fee you pay to us is set out in the rates schedule that we can change at our discretion, from time to time. Any changes to these rates will take effect on and from the date on which notice of the variation is posted by us on Envato Market.

12. Setting the prices of items: We set the prices of items in some categories on Envato Market. We know how valuable your creations are to you and so we endeavour to make the prices we set for your items fair and in line with the going market rate. Even so, you acknowledge and agree that we have absolute control over the pricing of Envato Market items in categories where we set the prices. There are some categories known as 'author-driven pricing categories' where authors set the prices for their items. If you sell items in an author-driven pricing category, you must make all pricing decisions independently. This means that discussions about your pricing decisions are not permitted under any circumstances.

13. Review: When you think you’ve created an item suitable for Envato Market, you can submit that item to us to check the quality and whether it contains adequate information for buyers. We have rules about what we accept and don’t accept and you can read up on these in our author-related Envato Market information. Although we always like to provide constructive feedback we’re not obliged to give you any reasons for rejecting your item. We have the final say on whether items are accepted for Envato Market.

14. No Variation: You are not permitted to vary these terms (or our Envato Market Terms) as they apply between you and buyers, or to offer your items on different terms or with additional terms (for example, through your item description pages). Any different or additional terms that you try to impose on Envato Market on your items will have no effect against buyers or Envato.

个人上网信息安全网络安全框架怎么写最好的网络营销软件企业员工信息安全培训内容网站建设成功案例沈阳网站优化网络推广网络营销软件公司网站建设技术网站建设营销外包贴吧软文发布cisp注册信息安全专业人员在乱世之中,李泽的天赋与才干展现得淋漓尽致。可兰萱始终是他心中的痛。(都市+搞笑+爽文+阴间改革) “昨晚梦到我死了,进了阎王殿。” “阎王爷让我给他的生死簿做个后台管理系统。” 一场大梦之后,余乐成为了地府现代化的主导者…… “小余啊,我之前提到的自动匹配投胎功能,进行的怎么样了。” “我一个人实在太忙了,要不您把后端那个技术拉下去问问……”永安不安!白焰不白!一团苟延残喘的青焰,一个没落门派的弟子,一段埋葬在时间长河的秘史,千年的和平似乎让人们忘记了曾经的威胁,在这诸天星海,万界之族中,苦而弥坚的人族、据高临下的妖族、作壁上观的神族以及……在这万类霜天竞自由中,谁为棋子?谁为棋手?高阳原本是个蓝星的雇佣兵,在一次执行任务中来到了金庸武侠世界--神雕。 在神雕世界中获得武林中人梦寐以求的武林秘籍,左手六脉神剑、右手降龙十八掌,年纪轻轻就达到别人一辈子的成就, 一个小小的蝴蝶能带动多大的效应?神雕世界因为高阳的到来又会有什么样的变化?神雕中的爱恨情况是否因为高阳的到来而改变? 让我们走进神雕世界,看高阳如何在江湖中翻云覆雨~~~~~ 各位书友要是觉得《神雕之我是大魔王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您的朋友推荐哦原在海外执行任务的萧剑沣被师傅召回去营救白泰国际集团董事长儿子,从此进入都市发展,一路美女相随,一路护花除恶,最终抱得美女一大堆。这是一个修炼玄能为主的世界,玄能就是这个世界的主旋律。 没有玄能的人就会生活在这个大陆的最底层。 等级制度:玄徒、玄者、玄士、玄师、大玄师、玄主、玄宗、玄王、玄皇、玄尊、 功法级别:日月星尘,每阶段九品,一品最次九品至高 玄器阶位:天地玄黄,每位分九阶,一阶最低九阶最高 被人打断腿的穷小子陆天意外获得屌丝逆袭系统,从此人生开挂,医武双绝。人心有异,妖邪自生。世风不正,诡物横行。 这是一个吃人的世界,一个妖魔邪祟肆虐的世界。 宋思穿越而来,危急关头获得系统,任何武学都可以升级。 铁头功、铁喉功、铁裆功、铁臂功、铁腿功,再加上铁布衫,升级成不灭金身。 无影剑法、疾雨剑法、灵蛇剑法,再加上拔剑术,升级成斩天拔剑术。 硬抗妖邪,拔剑斩天! 谁说修炼到极致的武夫,只能让自己的肉更有嚼劲?苏霁尘被系统给坑了,在娘胎里面一待就是十年。 【叮,签到成功,获得至尊剑骨】 【叮,签到成功,获得混沌道体】 【叮,签到成功,获得不灭金身诀】 【叮,签到成功,获得斩天拔剑术】 那一日,紫气横盖三万里,至尊降生。 混沌道体,手持祖剑,身上不灭金身,至尊剑骨让万族臣服。 十年之期满,苏霁尘降生。 苏霁尘:“太强了不给出生?我反手就将老娘堆成仙!” 看破风云,风起云涌,修真者被害穿越到武侠世界,众美女如云,长相思伴,看他如何踏破 虚空,称霸武林,独领风骚 。
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